اسناد بال 1
ردیف | عنوان | سال انتشار | نویسنده | فرمت | تعداد صفحات | حجم |
1 | Basel I - Amendment to the Capital Accord to Incorporate Market Risks | November 2005 | BCBS | 63 | 185KB |
اسناد بال 2
ردیف | عنوان | سال انتشار | نویسنده | فرمت | تعداد صفحات | حجم |
Basel II -International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards | November 2006 | BCBS | 347 | 1.25MB |
اسناد بال 3
ردیف | عنوان | سال انتشار | نویسنده | فرمت | تعداد صفحات | حجم |
1 | Basel III - International Framework for Liquidity Risk Measurement, Standards and Monitoring | December 2010 | BCBS | 53 | 1.13MB | |
2 | Basel III - A global Regulatory Framework for more Resilient Banks and Banking Systems | December 2010 (rev June 2011) | BCBS | 77 | 346KB | |
3 | Basel III - The Liquidity Coverage Ratio and Liquidity Risk Monitoring Tools | January 2013 | BCBS | 75 | 377KB | |
4 | Basel III -Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) | October 2014 | BCBS | 17 | 231KB |
رهنمودهای کمیته بال - ریسک عملیاتی
ردیف | عنوان | سال انتشار | نویسنده | فرمت | تعداد صفحات | حجم |
1 | Sound Practices for the Management and Supervision of Operational Risk- 2003 | February 2003 | BCBS | 20 | 99KB | |
2 | Basel III - Principles for the Sound Management of Operational Risk-2011 | June 2011 | BCBS | 27 | 108KB | |